OSHO is a contemporary mystic who defies categorization. He reflects everything from the individual search for meaning to the most pressing social and political issues of contemporary society.

“I am not interested in creating beliefs in you and I am not interested in giving you any kind of ideology. My whole effort here is – as it has always been of all the buddhas since the beginnings of time – to provoke truth in you. I know it is already there; it just needs a synchronicity. It just needs something to trigger the process of recognition in you.”
Never Born – Never Died
Only visited this planet earth between
December 11, 1931 – January 19, 1990
OSHO has a stated aim to create the conditions for the birth of a new kind of human being, “Zorba the Buddha” – one whose feet are firmly on the ground, yet whose hands can touch the stars. His vision embraces both the timeless wisdom of the East and the highest potential of Western science and technology.
OSHO is synonymous with a revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation and an approach to meditation which specifically addresses the accelerated pace of contemporary life.
The unique OSHO Active Meditations & Meditative Therapies are designed to allow the release of accumulated stress in the body and mind so that it is easier to be still and experience a relax state of meditation and inner harmony.