Living In Meditation Experience

Living In Meditation Experience is for living with totality. The program is held in a safe loving environment. It invites you to experience life in a commune and bring more awareness, care and relaxation to your daily life.

Meditate and celebrate

LIME gives you experiences and tools to enrich and deepen the quality of your life, no matter where you live or what you do. It offers an abundant range of unique experiences, whether it's chopping vegetables, sitting quietly under the oak tree, or gathering for the Evening Meeting Meditation.

“That which cannot be said has to be experienced. This is a great experience of getting into the inner space. Something is experienced in this gathering which no one has been able to define. This is the highest peak of the whole day’s working, meditating or doing groups in the Commune.”


LIME is an opportunity to remember how it is to bring joy and presence to your life.

In the modern lifestyle, stress and work are almost synonymous. Working harder to get some benefits in the future has become the modern mantra: more money, more prestige or even more relaxation. People becomes so accustomed to this future oriented mindset, that the present moment is missed. 

About LIME

  • Living In Meditation Experience (LIME) is for anyone who wants to experience life in a commune with totality, in a beautiful meditation field that allows you to bring the quality of presence, love and relaxation to what we normally call “work”.The program creates a safe environment that supports meditation and celebration: a space in which every moment is an invitation to become aware. LIME is an invitation to jump into the mystery of life, experiencing spontaneity and creativity in its essence. You will bring your energy through support wherever there is a need in the commune for 4 hours every day, 7 days a week. The experience is playful, yet grounded in reality. You may find yourself working in the kitchen, digging in the garden, serving at the dining area or cleaning, always in a space of meditation, sharing and friendship. Be ready to be flexible and book your place as soon as possible because the availability is limited.

  • The minimum period to participate in LIME is for one month and can be extended weekly or monthly.

    During your participation you are invited to attend the OSHO Evening Meeting and at least one more meditation every day (it is recommended to participate in OSHO Dynamic Meditation for a period of 21 days upon your arrival, which is a great support for your landing and connecting with Osho Afroz). You are also required to participate in the weekly LIME meetings where you will be able to feel the connection and support of everyone in the program.

    The LIME fee includes:

    1) Αccommodation in a tent (we provide tent, mattress, pillow, sheets, pillowcase and a blanket or sleeping bag. Use of common showers and toilet facilities

    2) Vegetarian (with vegan options) breakfast, lunch and dinner (participants on a special diet have to take care of their own needs -use of the common refrigerators-)

    3) All daily meditations and events (participation in workshops, sessions or payed events is not included)

    4) Special events designed only for LIME participants

    5) Special discounts for the OSHO Meditation Facilitators Training and other workshops (you can ask about the workshops that have the discount while you are in Afroz)

    6) 50% discount in all individual sessions (when a full month in Lime is completed).

  • LIME is a chance to meet and connect with people from all around the world, giving and receiving support from each others life experiences and uniqueness. This uncovers our work related conditionings.

    Work is often considered in terms of prestige: ‘Who’s got the better job?’, `I can do it better` or ‘That’s beneath me’. LIME brings awareness to these old paradigms and attitudes, supporting us while we relearn how to respond rather than react out of outdated patterns. In a way, one reconnects with ones nature, creativity and aliveness.

    Evening Meeting is the highlight of the day. It is the moment we meet together in silence and celebration, deepening the sense of awareness and integrating the experiences of the day.

  • “The work that is happening in the commune is not really what it appears from the surface. It is something else – it is a device! We have to use devices.

    “And whatsoever is happening in this commune is nothing but different ways to introduce you to meditation. Whatsoever is happening apparently it looks as if it is the same ordinary thing as happens everywhere else but with a different quality. That quality cannot be seen. You will have to become a participant only then will you slowly feel it. That quality is of trust, love.”
