OSHO Active Meditations™
OSHO Afroz holds the space for you to deepen your meditation and embrace your totality.

The meditation program
OSHO Active Meditations™ are the core of Osho Afroz program.
Workshops, trainings, individual sessions, daily activities, celebrations, events and festivals are also part of the daily program.
Please note that the program is submitted to changes depending on the period of the season. The program during the season is posted in our social media channels.
Keep scrolling down to read more about Osho Active Meditations.
07:00 - 08:00 OSHO Dynamic Meditation
09:00 Osho Talk
10:30 - 11:30 OSHO Vipassana Meditation
12:30 - 13:30 Mid-Day Meditation
17:30 - 18:30 OSHO Kundalini Meditation
19:00 - 20.30 OSHO Evening Meeting
21:30 Evening Event

About Osho Active Meditations
OSHO Active Meditations have been scientifically designed by Osho, over a long period of experimentation. They enable us to consciously express, experience, and release repressed feelings and emotions and to bring the body back to a relaxed harmony – and then the journey inwards can begin.
"By meditation I mean silence, awareness, witnessing. You can meditate any time of the day, you can meditate working, walking, doing things. Meditation is not something separate from life; it should not be separate, otherwise it remains a little artificial. Meditation should be spread all over life. You should walk in meditation, you should sit in meditation; that means silently, fully aware. Slowly, slowly it becomes your very flavour…."
OSHO International Meditation Resort
Situated about 120 kms south-east of Mumbai, India and set on a beautiful campus in the city of Pune, the Meditation Resort is one of the world's largest centers for personal growth and meditation.
More info: www.osho.com/osho-meditation-resort
Come to Afroz
There are many different ways of being part of the commune. You may visit us as a guest, join our courses, retreats, trainings and festivals and receive sessions. You may also participate in the LIME - Living in Meditation Experience.
We are open from May to October, join us any time!
Afroz daily schedule may look like this:
07:00 - 08:00 OSHO Dynamic Meditation
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Osho Talk
10:30 - 11:30 OSHO Vipassana Meditation
12:30 - 13:30 Mid-Day Meditation
13:30 Lunch
17:30 - 18:30 OSHO Kundalini Meditation
19:00 - 20.30 OSHO Evening Meeting
20:30 Dinner
21:30 Evening Event
Meditations and activities are open for all, though everyone is free to decide whether yo join or not.
Wether you stay at a tent, hut or stone house, you are surrounded by nature. Check your options
All the info about transportation, relevant links and other details here
“The work that is happening in the commune is not really what it appears from the surface. It is something else – it is a device! We have to use devices..” OSHO