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Centering the Heart

Centering the Heart

Module 1 Energy Reading Training, with Nadeen


Being centred in the heart is the foundation for living authentically, free from judgment and conditioning, and discovering who we are, moment by moment.

You’ll explore a variety of practices, including meditation techniques, dancing, painting, synchronicity, and group sharing. These methods will help you deepen your personal connection to your inner world, your intuitive senses and the wisdom within.


You will learn:

  • How to trust your intuition and subtle senses

  • How to become more sensitive to the energies of others

  • Ways to live in harmony and synchronicity with yourself and others

  • Different meditation techniques for grounding and centering

  • Tools for staying centered and present throughout your day

  • How to create a loving, welcoming atmosphere for clients or anyone you interact with

  • The art of listening with compassion and presence


Centering in the heart is so profound because it takes us beyond the constraints of the mind—those constant judgments, labels, and fears that tend to separate us from others and even from ourselves. When we center in the heart, it’s like we return to a more authentic, grounded part of ourselves, one that operates from acceptance and love, rather than division and fear.

The heart being the "still point" amidst the chaos is such a powerful metaphor, like how the calm center of a storm remains untouched by the swirling chaos around it. It provides that anchor in times of emotional turbulence or stress. And the beauty of it is that the more we connect with it, the more we naturally respond with compassion, both inwardly and outwardly.

The heart acts as a foundation for growth, not the end goal, but a vital part of becoming whole. It allows us to connect deeper with ourselves and others, fostering love and acceptance. In therapy, opening the heart creates a safe, healing space for clients to relax and release. This heart-centered presence can also shift how we engage with the world, bringing more compassion and connection into everyday life, there’s an intuitive quality that arises.

Practical information

You’ll learn how to hold a healing, loving, and open space for others, whether you’re working with clients or connecting with those around you. This module is perfect for anyone seeking to nurture a deeper connection with themselves and enhance their ability to listen and heal.


About Nadeen

Nadeen has developed his own courses and trainings and offers transformative Sessions since more than 30 years.

His approach focuses on guiding individuals to connect with their hearts, trust themselves and following their inner call. He specializes in supporting individuals in integrating their discoveries into their daily lives. By running his own successful business combined with his experience of the inner world he developed a deep understanding about the how important it is to bring balance of both inner and outer world into this live.

Nadeen has helped people to gain confidence, find grounding and trust in themselves and ultimately liberating their live energy from conditioning.  His aim is to empower individuals to navigate life's challenges intelligently and healthily, discovering  true freedom to live life to its fullest.

Having traveled the world and lived in diverse cultures, Nadeen's journey has led him to participate in mystery schools where he was certificatied  in various modalities., including Hypnosis (Childhood Liberation, Reliving Past Lives), Breathwork, Family Constellation, Esoteric Sciences (Prana Healing, Energy Reading, Reiki Master, Subtle Body Healing), Kinesiology, Inner Skills, and a range of bodywork techniques. He is a practitioner of Psychology of the Buddhas.

Nadeen is also trained to facilitate OSHO Active Meditations and the OSHO Meditative Therapies, including OSHO Mystic Rose, OSHO No-Mind, and OSHO Born Again, Awareness intensive.

Furthermore, he has developed personalized coaching structures and offers courses covering a variety of topics, including energy reading trainings

Through his expertise and compassionate approach, Nadeen guides individuals towards a deeper connection to themselves and the world around them.

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