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Die Before You Die – The Art of Let Go

Die Before You Die – The Art of Let Go

with Kaifi Iraklis K.

A 5-day Conscious Death Retreat with live music. In this meditative healing journey inspired by Sufis and Shamans, the space is created for deep inner transformation.


In this meditative healing journey inspired by Sufis and Shamans, the space is created for deep inner transformation.

Supported at times by live music, this is a powerful process that enhances your sense of profound freedom so as to flow lovingly with Life’s rhythm. Breathing, relaxing, receiving and enjoying who you really are, realising your true nature as an essential part of the Organic Whole – these are just some of the key themes you’ll experience in these five days.


Experience on this journey how your energy becomes liberated as you acknowledge the  attachments, identifications and patterns that cause suffering in your life. Using meditations, the powerful healing technique “From Separation To Unity” and connecting with the science supporting this process, a shift through the filters and limits of ego and personality is happening. As a result you reconnect with your natural state of Love and beauty as you realize your true Nature again.

When you relax and surrender to trust, energy will be liberated. In the wonderful space you then experience, a bridge is created between your awareness and the inherent intelligence of your heart. Your energy now moves freely and reconnects you with Love. The celebration of beauty and the mystery of life and death can truly begin!

Key themes

  • What is the core pattern that limits life’s flow?

  • What is the gift behind this core pattern and what is the true essence that transcends both pattern and gift?

  • How to live naturally from your essence, staying open and trusting.

  • Who or what is it that dies?

  • What happens at the time of death?

  • How can you support others as they approach death and die?

These are just some of the many questions and themes that are explored and experienced on this journey. 

“Meditation is an effort to die voluntarily. And in deep meditation one dies. In deep meditation, the so-called life disappears and for the first time you encounter death. That experience of encountering death makes you deathless. Suddenly you transcend death. Suddenly you know –that which is going to die is not you. All that you can die, you are not. You are neither your body nor your mind nor your self. You are simply pure space, which is never born and never dies” –Osho 

Schedule & Timetable:

10am-2pm 3:30-5pm. 2 night sessions.
Going with the flow and what is needed, is important for my work.


About Kaifi

Kaifi Iraklis Kokologiannis, the creator of ‘FSTU - From Separation to Unity’ and co-founder of Oneness Act, has been trained in and initiated into many different methods and techniques. He is a licensed HeartMath® Coach & Mentor, a facilitator’s trainer of OSHO Meditative Therapies, and a certified practitioner of DVNLP® and Ericksonian Hypnosis. For many years now Kaifi has been working with individuals, couples and groups all around the world. The trainings, courses and retreats he facilitates has moved many hearts and continues to inspire and transform people globally. The main sources of inspiration for Kaifi’s work have been his own life experiences and above all his way of living, which has been ‘on the edge’ for many years. At a certain moment a point of transformation occurred when the concept of ‘From Separation to Unity’ (FSTU) was born. An elegant healing system, a heart-guided meditative journey that was created intuitively yet in complete accord with the latest scientific research on heart consciousness. For more info about Kaifi Iraklis and his work, visit:

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