Fall in LOVE with your IDIOT
5Rhythms with Gramya
5Rhythms is a dance meditation practice, that can lead us to explore uncharted parts of ourselves, through the body, and not through our mind.
Looking in for our own stories instead of looking out in the world with a pointing finger, finding more questions than answers. Sometimes it surprises me how such a simple practice can have so much depth and bring about so many new realisations.
In this workshop we will take a close look at our shadow. We will look and find our inner IDIOT.
We all look for joy. Sometimes it becomes our habit, even an addiction to do only what brings us joy. We avoid mistakes, dodge failure, and pretend we are not clumsy or incompetent.
We avoid meeting our inner IDIOT and we all have one.
Often we blame this part of ourselves for anything unwanted or shameful that is happening in our lives. We wish this part of ourselves to be gone, to evaporate. We are scared of it’s influence on us and the shame it carries with it.
We hide this part, in many unique ways. We spend A LOT of energy, covering it, suppressing it or masking it. Perhaps we dread it will reappear suddenly and embarrass us. This is how we walk on this earth, as this is what we learned.
I would like to suggest that this IDIOT, of all our parts, is holding our joy captive.
This part, that awkward part, our own IDIOT is at heart: the silly part, the childish pure hearted part of us. This part is our true connection to Joy, beauty and simplicity.
The workshop is not physically difficult, but if you are not ready to sweat, it’s probably going to be a bit pushy for you.
I have been teaching 5Rhythms for 7 years now. I have led about 15 workshops and hundreds of classes in few countries. I had the idea for this workshop while I was doing my 5rhythms teacher training, 8 years ago, and I finally feel ready to teach it.
5Rhythms is a dance practice that explores 5 distinct rhythms that have roots in the physical, emotional and energetic body. Dancing through them again and again to original music each time, will bring about new discoveries in all realms.
In Flowing we connect to our roots, finding place for our feet on this earth, feeling deeply into who we are. Then in Staccato we can express with clarity, intention and passion what we ask for in this world. In Chaos comes an invitation, to let all of it go. To stay centered while not knowing. If we use the invitation, we can lighten up in Lyrical to find expansion and ecstasy.
Stillness will bring about centering and healing through the vastness of the empty space of our own breath.
2 sessions each day: 09:30 – 13:30 and 15:30 – 18:30. With small breaks in most session.
This workshop has space for max 18 participants.
About Gramya
Being a nomad most of my life, in small manageable doses, I took on nomad life as my home rhythm about 8 years ago, right after meeting Osho. I left my quiet apartment, my secure job, and started some years of wandering around. Experiencing ways of life, I know nothing about. Learning along the way, how much my patterns are affected by my motherland. I was born In Israel in 1962. In my lifetime (and long before) my motherland has known many wars, civil unrest, way too many terror attacks and the oppression of another nation. Growing up in this kind of surroundings had given me the impression that this world is violent and kindness to others is not a valid way of life. At 56, on the dance floor, on a Mediterranean island, I had come to realize, that I no longer share this belief, with my fellow countrymen/women. I can quietly say to myself, that it is safe to be kind. I can be kind, and survive. Dancing has been my medicine, my salvation, and my passion, making it easy for me to choose 5rhythms to bring myself to full expression, by becoming a teacher. The training took me to many dance floors, hundreds of hours of dance, and exploration, 2 years of nonstop embodiment. For me, dance is a gateway, a handy hearing aid to listen to my most inner self while avoiding the distracting noise of the mind. I teach 5rhythms as a dance meditation, as the art of being present in the here and now. As the art of unveiling the self, to find love in our core.