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Masculine Mastery

Masculine Mastery

with Giten and Nisarga

A Transformative 4-Day Workshop


Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment in the "Masculine Mastery" workshop – a transformative 4-day experience designed to unlock the true potential of your masculinity.

This immersive workshop combines dynamic tools such as Biodynamic Breathwork, movement, touch, and healing practices to expose and cultivate essential male qualities.

Key Highlights:

  1. Healthy Competition and Self-Worth: Engage in activities and discussions to channel your competitive spirit positively while exploring and enhancing your sense of self-worth. Learn the art of healthy competition and build a strong foundation of confidence.

  2. Leadership and Relationship Dynamics: Develop leadership skills and the ability to take charge in relationships. Gain insights into fostering meaningful connections with others while navigating life with authenticity and integrity.

  3. Emotional Intelligence and Expression: Challenge societal norms around emotional expression. Become comfortable experiencing and expressing the full spectrum of emotions, equipping yourself with effective communication tools.

  4. Biodynamic Breathwork and Healing Practices: Utilize the transformative power of Biodynamic Breathwork to release physical and emotional tension. Explore healing practices to uncover and address early childhood wounds, fostering resilience and a renewed sense of purpose.

  5. Movement, Touch, and Body Connection: Engage in movement practices that reconnect you with your body's innate strength. Explore the significance of touch as a means of connection, healing, and self-discovery in the context of masculine energy.

  6. Healing Masculine Wounds: Uncover and heal early childhood wounds from your father and mother, fostering a deep understanding of their impact on your masculine identity. Through gentle exercises, this healing journey encourages compassionate self-exploration, promoting authentic masculinity.

  7. Men's Work Philosophy: Embrace the choice to reclaim your individual masculinity within the supportive environment of a men's group. This workshop provides a space to drop your 'social mask,' get real, and connect with fellow seekers on a sincere path towards discovering, healing, and integrating their masculine energies.

Join us on this holistic journey of Masculine Mastery, where you will emerge with a renewed sense of purpose, confidence, and harmonious relationships with yourself and others. This is your opportunity to step into the light of awareness as a man amongst men, establishing a profound connection with your authentic self.


About Giten

Developer of the BioDynamic Breath & Trauma Release System®, Giten shares a mastery of body-oriented therapies that has evolved from over 20 years of learning, exploration and work with countless clients and groups around the world. His passion for life, humility and love for people has inspired his own personal journey and the creation of his “6-Element” approach to healing. Giten continually leads practitioner trainings and experiential workshops with his unique blend of creativity, depth and playfulness, while growing the BioDynamic Breath & Trauma Release Institute and its global communityof friends and colleagues.

About Nisarga

Nisarga is an esteemed member of the BBTRS®️ faculty and holds expertise in Compassionate Inquiry, along with being a practitioner of Myofascial Energetic Release and Biodynamic Craniosacral techniques. His passion lies in global teaching and group facilitation. Nisarga reveres the human body as a sacred temple, advocating its treatment with the highest degree of respect and admiration. This philosophy underpins his work, resulting in a pinnacle of true craftsmanship rooted in a profound desire to comprehend and trust the body’s boundless potential for self-regulation and self-healing.

Integral Body Institute (Poland)

Body Awareness Institute (Estonia)

7 September

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17 September

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