Osho Born Again
with Devena and Kaifi
A process created especially by Osho to rediscover the freshness and innocence of childhood without going into psychological issues. 2 hours a day for 7 days. The first hour is for entering into your childhood and doing what you always wanted to do. The second hour is for sitting silently like a child.
Osho has this to say about the first part of the process:
“Remember this: regain your childhood. Everyone longs for it but no one is doing anything to regain it. Everyone longs for it! People go on saying that childhood is paradise and poets go on writing poems about the beauty of childhood. Who is preventing you? Regain it! Take this opportunity to regain it.
Poetry will not help, and just remembering that it was paradise is not of much use. Why not move into it again? Why not be a child again? I say to you that if you can be a child again you will start growing in a new way. For the first time you will be really alive again. And the moment you have the eyes of a child, the senses of a child – young, vibrating with life – the whole of life vibrates with you.
Remember, it is your vibration that needs transformation. The world is already always vibrating in ecstasy; only you are not tuned. The problem is not with the world, it is with you: you are not tuned to it. The world is dancing, always celebrating, every moment it is in a festivity. The festival goes on from eternity to eternity, only you are not tuned to it. You have fallen apart from it, and you are very serious, very knowing, very mature. You are closed. Throw this enclosure! Move again into the current of life. When the storm comes, the trees will be dancing; you also dance! When the night comes and everything is dark, you also be dark. And in the morning when the sun rises, let it rise in you also. Be childlike and enjoying, not thinking of the past.
A child never thinks of the past. Really, he has no past to think about. A child is not worried about the future; he has no time-consciousness. He lives totally unworried. He moves in the moment, he never carries any hangover. If he is angry then he is angry and in his anger he will say to his mother, “I hate you.” And this is not just words, this is a reality. Really, in that moment he is in total hate. The next moment he will come out of it and he will be laughing and he will give a kiss to his mother and he will say, “I love you.” There is no contradiction. These are two different moments. He was total hate and now he is total love. He moves just like a river goes on moving, zigzag. But wherever he is – wherever the river is – he is total, flowing.
For these days be like a child – total. If you hate, hate; if you love, love; if you are angry, then be angry; and if you are festive, then be festive and dance. Do not carry anything over from the past. Remain true to the moment, do not hanker for the future. For these days, drop out of time. Drop out of time! That is why I say do not be serious: because the more serious you are, the more time conscious you are. A child lives in eternity; for him, there is no time. He is not even aware of it. These days will be real meditation if you drop out of time. Live the moment and be true to it.
Be playful. It will be difficult, because you are so structured. You have an armor around you and it is so difficult to loosen it, to relax it. You cannot dance, you cannot sing, you cannot just jump, you cannot just scream and laugh and smile. Even if you want to laugh you first want something there to be laughed at. You cannot simply laugh. There must be some cause, only then can you laugh. There must be some cause, only then can you cry and weep.
Put aside knowledge, put aside seriousness; be absolutely playful for these days. You have nothing to lose. If you do not gain anything, you will not lose anything either. What can you lose in being playful? But I say to you: you will never be the same again.
My insistence on being playful is because of this: I want you to go back to the very point from where you stopped growing. There has been a point in your childhood when you stopped growing and when you started being false. You may have been angry, a small child in a tantrum, angry, and your father or your mother said, “Don’t be angry! This is not good!” You were natural but a division was created and a choice was there for you. If you were to remain natural then you would not have the love of your parents. In these days I want to throw you back to the point where you started being ‘good’ as against being natural. Be playful so your childhood is regained. It will be difficult because you will have to put aside your masks, your faces; you will have to put aside your personality. But remember, the essence can assert itself only when your personality is not there, because your personality has become an imprisonment. Put it aside. It will be painful, but it is worth it because you are going to be reborn out of it. And no rebirth is possible without pain. If you are really determined to be reborn, then take the risk.”
-Osho, Meditation: The First and Last Freedom
If you have participated in OSHO Born Again before in Afroz you have 50% off on group price
Schedule & Timetable: 23 Jul - 29 Jul
7 days @ 9:30 am – 11:30 pm process
About Devena
I was studying as a doctor, psychiatrist, psychotherapist & psychoanalyst and finally came to the conclusion that this was not for me. I wanted two things: to be pregnant and going to India. Both of which happen. Somebody taking me by the hand and bringing me to Osho (1976) where I run a play-school, cleaned, painted, work in his library and avoided all therapy. Later becoming the art teacher in Ko Shuan and since the beginning of the Meditative Therapies it became obvious to participate and I have continue this journey since, with all the Meditative Therapies. All of which I now facilitate trainings & courses.
About Kaifi
Kaifi Iraklis Kokologiannis, the creator of ‘FSTU - From Separation to Unity’ and co-founder of Oneness Act, has been trained in and initiated into many different methods and techniques. He is a licensed HeartMath® Coach & Mentor, a facilitator’s trainer of OSHO Meditative Therapies, and a certified practitioner of DVNLP® and Ericksonian Hypnosis. For many years now Kaifi has been working with individuals, couples and groups all around the world. The trainings, courses and retreats he facilitates has moved many hearts and continues to inspire and transform people globally. The main sources of inspiration for Kaifi’s work have been his own life experiences and above all his way of living, which has been ‘on the edge’ for many years. At a certain moment a point of transformation occurred when the concept of ‘From Separation to Unity’ (FSTU) was born. An elegant healing system, a heart-guided meditative journey that was created intuitively yet in complete accord with the latest scientific research on heart consciousness. For more info about Kaifi Iraklis and his work, visit: https://www.fromseparationtounity.com