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Art as Meditation - The Colors of your Life

Art as Meditation - The Colors of your Life

with Camilla


This workshop is for everyone who would like to gain a deeper access to their intuition and creativity. We work on full body sized canvases for an embodied experience of expansion. 

There is no need to have any prior training or experience and many of the techniques we use are designed to help if you feel blocked around painting or creating in general.  However, if you are a practicing artist, this workshop can enhance your creative work and bring a new meditative quality to it.


In Meditation we are looking for a shift in consciousness: from our verbal, logical, planning mind to a non-verbal, sensuous and playful state. In scientific literature these two states are associated with the two hemispheres of our brain: The logical Left, and the creative Right. 

Painting is by its very nature a way of communicating non-verbally. If used in a meditative way it can become a doorway to the natural meditative state of the Right brain. Right brains language are colors, images, shapes, sensations and rhythms. We mostly suppress this side of our brain in our daily life- we are too busy with planning, decision making and practicalities. All this often leaves little room for this slower, dreamy child-like state within us. 

In this workshop we practice how to consciously shift towards our intuitive side and give it space to express. We will get to know this part of ourselves, what it likes and dislikes, how it feels and how it shows up in the body. Often from this depth of our very own intuition we can tap into insights about ourselves and even guidance for our lives.

We learn how to be completely non-judgemental in our painting through allowing every mood that we meet throughout the process to express itself the way it wants: whether we feel exuberant or self-conscious, vulnerable or invincible, naughty or sad, each of our moods have their own unique form and expression on the canvas. Using our painting like a mirror of our emotions, we get to see that each one of them has their own inherent beauty. 

Within the workshop there will be partner and group exercises as well as time to create and explore on your own. 

*Body sized Canvases, papers, colors, brushes and a variety of other materials are included in the price. 

If you wish to share art as meditation in your own workshop or you want to continue to practice at home, there is the option to add night sessions that include training elements for facilitation. Let us know beforehand if you are interested.


About Camilla

Camilla is an artist, meditator and painting-workshop facilitator. From her childhood she has loved everything to do with colors. While working as an artist, she slowly became more and more interested in finding ways to share colorful art as an experience, rather than a painting. She leads painting workshops in OSHO Afroz and other places around the world.

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