5 day Who is In? Awareness Intensive
with Nirdosh
One of the most powerful awakening journeys for centering in the present moment and one's own truth. It allows you to have a direct experience of the inner Being as part of the great Whole.
It is an individual exploration and a direct encounter with your Being moment to moment, guiding you to a space of Awakening or No-Mind.
A Koan is an existential question, fundamental for every human being. It has no right or wrong answer and the process of searching for an answer allows you to have a direct experience of the Koan itself (of who you really are beyond the mind, body and emotions). It is a realization or so-called awakening experience. No intellectual answer or explanation can resolve a Koan. A Koan is a path that can take you from the confusion of personality to the peak of clarity, where all problems disappear.
During these 5 days, we will delve into a specific structure that allows us to discover what prevents us from being ourselves and living in harmony with what simply is.
To assist the process there will be active meditations, individual encounters, helpful insights from Osho, and times for rest and integration. The process is carried out in silence and isolation from the outside world so that you can fully immerse yourself in the search with your koan. Speaking is only used when working with the koans during the group sessions.
Nirdosh will meet with each participant during the retreat to provide individual support throughout their personal journey.
Why participate in an Awareness Intensive?
In our modern lifestyle we rarely take enough time and space for ourselves. We are almost totally absorbed in our daily affairs, focused mainly on what could have been different in the past and on everything we have to achieve in the future. The fact that in this retreat we step away from our daily surroundings for a few days, living in silence, disconnected from the world, gives us a perfect opportunity to step out of our normal living habits and deepen our personal exploration, relax and realign ourselves with our truth at this moment in life.
We all have a fundamental need to get closer to our truth, to own it and finally relax into it by simply being who we really are: a unique individual without any pretense and without any guilt.
The structure and container that is created in this retreat is specifically designed to help you go beyond all projections, justifications, ideals, fears and unconscious pretensions and have the opportunity to experience yourself in essence, to know who you truly are!
More about Koans:
The practice of Koan comes from the Soto Zen tradition. A Koan is a dynamic search that leads to your existential truth. It is a strategy to practice attention and presence to access reality.
The realization of a Koan is a moment of initiation, a moment of total presence, a moment of grace, which in the Zen tradition is called "Satori".
Sustained practice invites that moment of inner union, but it cannot be forced, it can only be invited and cultivated.
An active Koan practice involves communication and listening, alone/and with others: although there is no dialogue or relationship with the other participants - taking turns, during the active Koan practice, each person becomes a silent witness for the another, a very powerful support to sustain you throughout the entire process.
During the Satori retreat we have a special diet, healthy, nutritious and without stimulants or heavy foods. During the 5 days we have no contact with the outside world, phone, internet or with other commune residents.
It is one of the most precious spaces to be with yourself.
About Nirdosh
Nirdosh was born in Mexico, graduated as a Medical Doctor from Anahuac University of Mexico. He uses various methods of holistic medicine in his practice, like TBM, Transomatic Dialogue, Nutrition, Meditation and ancient body-mind healing methods, integrating the western and eastern approaches to healing.
Nirdosh is a certified practitioner of Transomatic Dialogue, Osho Mystic Rose and Osho No-Mind meditative therapies (Osho Multiversity, India), 1st Akashic Process, Reiki (2nd degree), Theta Healing, Dream Dialogue and Past Life Dialogue.
He has finished the training and is certified in USA in the revolutionary healing method TBM (Total Body Modification).
He is an Awareness Intensive Instructor (Who is in? / Who am I?) trained in the Awareness Academy in Hellas (Greece) and the Integral Being Institute in Italy.
He facilitates active meditation workshops, Men´s gatherings, Osho meditative therapies, Conscious Nutrition workshops around the world and runs a Holistic Medicine practice in Mexico and Hellas (Greece).